Classes for 2024-2025 Have Begun
For more information, contact the Parish Office at (562) 438-3826.
About Our Faith Formation Program
St. Bartholomew Faith Formation provides opportunities for lifelong spiritual growth. Through our baptism, all are invited to learn and to grow in a Christ-centered community where gifts are shared and each person is welcomed, motivated, engaged, and inspired to evangelize and serve others.
By providing a welcoming climate and an array of activities, St. Bartholomew Faith Formation invites and empowers people of all ages to more fully understand and live Catholic values and faith. Through on-going formation, parishioners strengthen their personal relationship with Christ, become active members of the community, and share in Christ’s mission to be light to the world.
Family Faith Formation - Preschool - Fifth Grade:
Sacramental Prep (First Reconciliation & First Communion) - This program is children who will be making their First Communion (two-year process that can begin in 1st Grade). Monday weekly sessions will be held for the children from 3:45-5:15 pm. Families will participate in once a month family Mass (third Sunday of the month). We will also have parent/child workshops for the preparation of First Reconciliation and for the preparation of First Holy Communion.
Early Childhood Faith Formation (Pre-K - Fifth Grade) - Our early childhood program allows children to discover God through creative and age-appropriate activities that engage their five senses and promote a Catholic identity. Monday weekly sessions will be held for the children from 3:45-5:15 pm. Families participate in once a month family Mass (third Sunday of the Month).
Middle School:
Middle School - Teens will focus on community building and reinforcing the Catechetical foundation built in the lower elementary grades. Growth in the young person’s faith is strengthened with an emphasis on the Bible, Catholic teachings, and connecting our Catholic traditions with daily life. This ministry also facilitates the transition into the high school programs and continued parish involvement. The teens will the meet the 1st/3rd Wednesdays at 6:30 pm. Families will participate in once a month family Mass (third Sunday of the month).
Teen Confirmation: Teens are asked to make a stronger commitment to live their lives as a witness to Christ in their words, actions and deeds as they are prepared for the Sacrament of Confirmation. 1st/3rd Sundays of the month (there are some variations of the dates because of the holidays.). Teens who are in high school can begin classes.
Faith Formation Gathering Days:
Sacramental Prep - Mondays from 3:45 to 5:15 pm
(1st grade and older)
Early Childhood Faith Formation (Pre-K - Fifth Grade) - Mondays from 3:45 to 5:15 pm
Middle School - 1st/3rd Wednesdays at 6:30 pm
Confirmation 1 & 2 - 1st/3rd Sundays of the month (there are some variations of the dates because of the holidays.)
> Scroll down to learn more about our programs. Classes for the 2024-2025 Catechetical Year have begun. If you have any questions or need further information, our staff will be glad to assist you.
Registration Steps
1) Please print and complete all forms for each child(s) you are registering. Be sure to download the forms to your computer first and save them if you plan to use the fillable PDF feature.
2a) For First Communion Families, please provide a copy of your child(ren)'s Birth Certificate and Baptismal Certificate.
- OR -
2b) For Confirmation Families, please provide a copy of your child(ren)'s Birth Certificate, Baptismal Certificate, and First Communion Certificate.
3) Submit your Tuition Payment. Options: Cash, Check (Payble to "St. Bartholomew Catholic Church"), or ONLINE.
Faith Formation Tuition:
Elementary & Middle School Tuition (Pre-K – 8th Grade) | TUITION |
1 CHILD | $145.00 |
2 CHILDREN | $275.00 |
3 CHILDREN | $280.00 |
4 + CHILDREN | $290.00 |
Confirmation 1 & 2: | $400.00 |
After July 9, 2024, the above Tuition Fees will increase by $50.
Infant Baptism: $100
Adult Tuition:
Christian Initiation: $115/Adult
Adult Confirmation: $110/Adult