The Knights of Columbus will host a Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, Oct. 31, after the 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 am Masses. Menu: Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs and Diced Ham, Fruit Compote, Coffee, Water, Orange Juice and Milk. Cost: Adults - $6, Children - $3. All are welcome!
The Blessing of the Costumes will be held at all Masses the weekend of Oct. 30-31. Everyone, youth and adults, are invited to come in a costume. Please no evil or scary costumes.
Volunteers from Concern America, an international development organization, will be in the Parish Hall after the 5:00 pm Vigil Mass on Saturday, Oct. 30, and on Sunday, Oct. 31, after the 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 am and 12:30 pm Masses. Unique, artisan, fair trade hand-crafts will be featured from Bangladesh, El Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico. Just in time for the holidays, beautifully hand-crafted textiles, ceramics, and wood products will be for sale and will provide a source of income to materially poor communities.
“Take-out Tuesday” returns to the Naples Rib Company on Nov. 2. Dine in or take out! Reserve take-out orders by calling (562) 439 7427 between 10:00 am and 9:00 pm or to make Dine-In reservations from 4:00 to 9:00 pm. Please remember to tell your server that you are a parishioner of St. Bartholomew. All proceeds go to local charities through donations made by the St. Bartholomew Women’s Council.
An All Souls Day Mass of Remembrance & Reception will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 2, at 7:00 pm for the deceased of our parish this past year. Honoring Deceased Loved Ones in November Parishioners are invited to bring in framed photos of deceased loved ones to be displayed at the steps of the Altar Nov. 2-19 (Month of Remembrance). Please drop off framed photos at the sacristy before and after Masses the weekend of Oct. 30-31.
Registration is now open for in-person Faith Formation programs for Teen Confirmation and family-centered Elementary and Middle School programs. Register by clicking "Faith Formation Payment" at the top of this page or contact Kellie De Leo in the Faith Formation Office for program starting dates and additional information.
What is Flocknote? Think of a “note” Fr. Mark sends to his “flock.” We do this every Friday, because not all activities and announcements find space in the bulletin. During these times of pandemic, it’s one more way we can stay connected. Initially, Flocknote was sent to every email address in St. Bartholomew’s parish database—but not everyone has shared their information. Times change. If you are not receiving Flocknote and want to be more informed, please send your request to the [email protected].
The Women’s Council will host an Upscale/Resale Event the weekend of Nov. 6-7 in the Parish Hall. Hours: Saturday, Nov. 6, 9:00 am-7:00 pm; Sunday, Nov. 7, 9:00 am-2:00 pm. Items Needed: Toys, vases, lamps, baskets, dishes and silver, jewelry, scarves, handbags, suitcases, art work, knick-knacks, Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations. Donations can be dropped off in the Parish Hall on Wednesday, Nov. 3, through Friday, Nov. 5, from 9:00 am-3:00 pm daily (No drop-offs after 3:00 pm on Friday.). Clothing, books and bedding will not be accepted.
This week St. Bartholomew is collecting food on behalf of Catholic Charities Food Bank. Their food pantry is in need of non-perishable food products. Please bring them to the Parish Hall Monday thru Thursday 9:00 am to 12 noon. Plastic bins will be located at the main doorway on Broadway. Thank you for your generosity!
Your gifts to the parish to help us sustain our liturgies, faith formation, and operations. Offertory envelopes may be dropped in baskets during Mass, dropped in the Rectory mailbox, or mailed to 252 Granada, Long Beach 90803. Other convenient options for making a donation include Online Giving at the top of this page, or using the bill pay feature through your online banking. May God bless you and your family for your continued generosity!